Astari Minarti, ST., M.Sc
Head of Environmental Engineering Study Program
Global environmental problems faced by national development today are very diverse, ranging from domestic problems (availability of clean water, garbage, drainage, domestic wastewater), damage and reduction of environmental resources (atmospheric damage, damage to the ozone layer, damage and reduction of forest resources, reduced biodiversity, pollution and reduced water resources) to a decrease in the quality of life.
The new sustainable development agenda was created to address the demands of world leadership in tackling poverty, inequality and climate change in the form of concrete actions. The 2030 Agenda consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) or Global Goals, which will guide policy and funding for the next 15 years (2030). The Sustainable Development Goals or in English known as Sustainable Development Goals abbreviated as SDGs are 17 goals with 169 measurable achievements and deadlines set by the United Nations as the world’s development agenda for the benefit of humans and planet earth.